On May 18, 2024, alumni, family, friends, and supporters from as far back as 1948 gathered on the Westminster campus to celebrate the annual Kurn Hattin Day and Alumni Meeting. Culminating a year of Dreaming Big, students presented a top-notch musical performance, including outstanding voice and instrumental solos.
Kurn Hattin Day also included a delicious buffet luncheon prepared by our superb food service team. Former Food Service Director, Richard Johnson, even came out of retirement to take part in this one!
The grand finale of the alumni gathering was a fun-filled, musical game of SINGO. That’s right, SINGO! It’s like Bingo, but with music, movement, and a little mayhem! THANK YOU to everyone at KHH for helping with the planning, prepping, and participation of this very special annual event. And THANK YOU to everyone for supporting KHH!