“Music education is an invaluable part of school programming. It teaches patience, diligence, and persistence, and draws out profound courage and resilience, particularly in children at-risk.” ~Lisa Bianconi, Music Program Director, Kurn Hattin Homes for Children
On Wednesday, September 11, Kurn Hattin Homes Music Program Director, Lisa Bianconi received an exceptional phone call from the Grammy Foundation in Los Angeles. Lisa had been waiting for news since last May when she was notified that she was one of 217 quarterfinalists (from 30,000 nominations) for the Grammy Music Educator Award.
For the semifinals, she submitted a 500-word essay describing her educational philosophy, along with a video of testimonials from colleagues, volunteers, and others close to Lisa and the Kurn Hattin music program.
The phone call Lisa had been waiting for for several months was to notify her that after reviewing her materials, the judges had selected her as one of only 25 semifinalists for the award.
What does it take to be a chosen as a semifinalist for a Grammy? See for yourself. View Lisa’s original video and highlights from her essay submissions below.
The Video
Essay Highlights
After 28 years, I still feel the same passion and motivation as the day I started.
Every day, this work underscores my belief that as a music educator, I am helping to improve lives and make the world a better place.
For our students, music provides a way to reach out and bring them into the fold, a chance for them to share their joy, to know they have worth, and that they are not alone.
I believe that every child should feel special and important. Music helps our students shine in ways they never knew they could.
I believe that music is a unifying force with the power to transform lives.
It is the music educator’s role to find the right fit, recognize each child’s special talent, and help him or her build the confidence to share it with others.
The goal of music education should be to develop in each child a love of music that they carry with them the rest of their lives.