In March of 1914 the Kurn Hattin Alumni Association was formed. The first President was Elisha W. Culver of Massachusetts, class of 1912. The object of the Association was to encourage fellowship among the students and to bring them together once every year for a reunion. Although it was difficult to locate some of the older graduates back in 1914, the Association was able to find, through letters and magazine articles, over 50 graduates of the Homes.
Over 6,000 children have attended Kurn Hattin Homes. The object of the Association remains the same. Once a year, a day in May is set aside for the alumni to come together, renew old acquaintances and hold its annual business meeting. Throughout the year, the Alumni Committee, which consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, meet to discuss alumni affairs and plan events for the graduates, such as picnics, dinner dances and scenic train rides.
If you attended Kurn Hattin Homes, whether you graduated or not, we would like to be in contact with you. If you are not on our mailing list, please send an Email to Kim Fine and she will add your name to the list and update you on alumni affairs.