Children Participate in Hoop Shoot at Kurn Hattin
January 25, 2012 | Westminster, Vermont – Area children participated in the Knights of Columbus Hoop Shoot contest in Kurn Hattin Homes’ Wheeler Gymnasium earlier this month.
Even when snow is scarce, there are always ways for the children to stay active. Basketball hoop shoot contests are just one of the many physical activities that the children participate in over the winter months. After the local contest, the finalists advance to the District and then the Regional contests. Kurn Hattin will also be hosting the District Hoop Shoot contest on February 12th. Come cheer the students and enjoy the contest.
Pictured is Sairy Bernardez, a Kurn Hattin sixth grader shooting a hoop.
Kurn Hattin Homes is a year-round, charitable home and school for in-need and at-risk boys and girls, ages 6-15, from throughout the northeast.