November 22, 2010 | Westminster, Vermont – The disaster in Haiti directed the Kurn Hattin student council to make raising money for the victims in Haiti a high priority by committing to long-term partnerships with two organizations there.
God’s Littlest Angels, one of the Haitian orphanages who benefited from the children’s fundraising efforts, sent a warm and heartfelt thank you for the $739.09 they received to help the orphaned children in their care. They wrote, It is said that it takes a whole village to raise a child and that is true about the children of Haiti also. Many people together are seeing that these children are loved, fed and well cared for. Your donations make all this possible. Thank you so very much. The Kurn Hattin children raised the funds in many ways. They held a raffle and a Change War (a collection of loose change). Half of the proceeds collected at a Rotary spaghetti dinner, where the 7th & 8th graders were servers, were designated for this project. And at the Annual Choral and Jazz Band Invitationals, donations were collected.
Since the inception of this and other charitable projects this year, the Kurn Hattin students have given more to charities than they have spent on themselves. They are very generous.