Kurn Hattin Homes Celebrates Volunteers
Kurn Hattin Homes for Children celebrated its 123 volunteers at the May 4, 2016 Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. School Principal Noah Noyes thanked the volunteers, “Kurn Hattin is so fortunate to have so many kind, generous, and dedicated volunteers. In addition to their commitment to deserving children, they are excellent role models of community service.
They are truly an integral part of Kurn Hattin.” The children gave their thanks as well and presented the volunteers with a handmade thank you card and a Kurn Hattin pen. Volunteers being celebrated are: William Abbott, Donna Aldrich, Daniel Antosiewicz, Jean Anderson, Jerry & Linda Bardwell, Christopher W. Barry, Diane Bazin, Jeff Bianconi, Michael Blau, Mark Bodin, John Bohannon, Barbara Brackett, Gordon Bristol, Stephanie Brown, Scott Bundy, Deborah Burrows, Phil Caliendo, Fran Cheslock, Keith Clark, Paul Clough, Pat Crotty, Darrel & Marion Daley, Jaime Dansereau, Sr., Ruth DeMone, Shirley Doyle, Tim Eno, Deborah Fajans, Michael Fawcett, Bill Fenn, Amy Fletcher, Justin Fuller, Chris Goding, Terry Gulick, Christopher Hackett, Nancy Hamblet, Deb Hamel, Father Lance W. Harlow, Martha Harrington, Elizabeth & Mike Henry, Chris & Jean Hodsden, Marya Holcombe, John A. Hubbard, Geoffrey Illingworth, Stacey Illingworth, Lyssa Jackson, Carol Johnson, Barbara Joy, Charles P. Kelsey, Doreen Kelton, Kenneth King, Kay Kloppenburg, Jon Korpela, Michelle Laurendeau, Bertha Lawrence, Abigail Littlefield, James A. Lynch, Reverend Sami McRae, Elizabeth Maiola, Jackie Mallory, Jimmy Malley, Rick Manson, Bruce Martin, Barbara Matteson, Taylor Maynard, Walter B. Menzel, Kathleen Michel, Corey Mitchell, Jeanne Moore, Marilyn E. Moore, David Morse, Rhonda Nolan, George Nostrand, Sue Nostrand, Michael J. Obuchowski, Frank Patterson, Rebecca Pedigo, Phil Perlah, Mrs. Frank J. Prindl, Rita Ramirez, John & Laura Reed, Leslie Vander Meuler Richards, Caryl Richardson, James Robertson, Anita Roy, William J. Scarlett, IV, Amy Sciacca, Sheldon Scott, Donald Shaughnessy, Robert & Elaine Sinclair, Tina Smith, Merton Snow, Lindsey Soboleski, Janice Sussebach, Dr. Vernon Temple, Polly Thompson, Matt Tomberg, Roberta Violette, Virginia Watson, Joan Willey, Janet Wilson, Greg Worden, and Bette Wunderle. Also recognized were numerous dedicated staff members who volunteer during their free time.
If you would like more information on volunteer opportunities at Kurn Hattin Homes, please call (802) 721-6924 and speak with Martha Ruffle. Since 1894, Kurn Hattin Homes for Children has helped thousands of at-risk children and their families by offering a safe home and quality education in a nurturing environment. Our Mission: Kurn Hattin transforms the lives of children and their families forever. www.kurnhattin.org
Pictured: Volunteers at the 2016 Kurn Hattin Homes’ Volunteer Recognition Luncheon (l-r) Betty Maiola, Newport, NH; Terry Gulick, Springfield, VT; Doreen Kelton, Westminster, VT; Nancy Hamblet, Walpole, NH; Janet Wilson, Walpole, NH; Ginger Cook, Westminster, VT; Sue Nostrand, Putney, VT; Jean Anderson, Charlestown, NH; Howard & Judy Putnam, Walpole, NH; Anita Roy, Springfield, VT; Jean Hodsden, Bellows Falls, VT; Barbara Brackett, Walpole, NH; Chris Hodsden, Bellows Falls, VT; Mike Fawcett, Westminster, VT; Sally Mundell, Wilmington, VT; and Marya Holcombe, Walpole, NH.