Greetings to the Kurn Hattin Homes Staff, Faculty, Administrators, Children, and Families,
First of all, I think I can speak for our entire community in saying that we miss all of our children terribly and care for you immensely! The outpouring of love, care, and attention for our children and our staff by our community has been extremely heart-warming. We hope to bring everyone “Home” as soon as possible.
As of last evening, Thursday, March 26, 2020, Governor Scott declared that all Vermont Schools should extend closure for the remainder of the school year. This announcement is troubling for us all. We would all like to be back together and functioning daily at Kurn Hattin, and so Sue Kessler, Sergio Simunovic, Ellen Wood, and I met this morning to plan now for the next couple of months. We are devising a couple of different scenarios that cover a few different threat levels, but for now we will adhere to the Governor’s edict and extend our closure of the Homes. If there is any possibility of returning to the Homes safely prior to the end of the school year, we will explore it with the State. The first week of May we will review Kurn Hattin’s closure in light of the spread of the virus to determine year-end and summer plans.
In the meantime, schools have been instructed by the Agency of Education to prepare educational materials for Continuity of Learning, which essentially means that teachers should attempt to replicate the classroom learning experience in at-home materials to the greatest degree possible. We are grateful for our teachers who have already been doing this and will continue to do so. Mr. Simunovic will address the faculty’s needs and questions in a separate communication, but children and families should be prepared to continue to receive, complete, and return to KHH all requested educational materials.
Kurn Hattin will continue its previous policy of paying staff who would normally be working regardless of their ability to do their jobs fully (e.g. no children being present). Alternative responsibilities may be required of such staff if their normal duties cannot be done.
We thank everyone for your cooperation, your support, and your patience. As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, rely on the certainty that Kurn Hattin Homes has cared for children for over 125 years, and our plan is to continue to care for children for another 125 years! Stay safe!
In the service of children,

Stephen B. Harrison,
Executive Director