Kurn Hattin Homes held its annual Veterans Day celebration program and luncheon on November 11, 2022. The hour long presentation included the Presentation of Colors, A Call to Colors, Moment of Silence, Taps, Pledge of Allegiance, Star Spangled Banner, Welcome from Executive Director, Stephen Harrison; Introductory remarks from Social Studies Teacher & Curriculum Coordinator, Deborah Velto; selections from students’ Patriot Pen Essay contest entries, candle lighting to the reading of In Flanders Field, Veterans Tribute video, address from Veteran, Phillip Sherrick, Jr., class of 1981; Kurn Hattin Concert Band selections, Retirement of Colors, and Retreat.
Mrs. Velto said, “In Social Studies, we learned about veterans this year through listening to their stories. We learned that veterans come from different backgrounds, have different reasons for serving, and have a variety of different jobs and experiences during their service. Many of these experiences are positive and others might be painful. Some served during wartime others during peacetime. Some veterans have remained in active duty most of their lives, while others served for a few years. We watched many videos of veterans telling their stories, interviewed some local veterans, and read stories about the experiences veterans have had before and after service.
We learn a lot from the stories.” She went on to share that Kurn Hattin Homes’ middle school students participate in the annual patriot’s Pen essay contest through the VFW. This year’s theme was, “My Pledge to the Veterans.” The students reflected on the different military experiences, and some of the issues facing veterans today.
Alumnus, Phillip Sherrick, Jr. who has served in all four branches of the military, spoke of his experiences. An article he wrote titled, “Human Connection, Character, and Honor Matter” was recently published in the local media.
Following the moving ceremony, guests were treated to a delicious lunch and a tour of the school classrooms and a residential cottage.
Special thanks to Deborah Velto, Social Studies Teacher & Curriculum Coordinator; Jen Leonard, Acting Music Director; Ginger Cook, Chris Goding, & Ben Weiner, Music Helpers; Mary Beth Culver, Weekday Residential Director; Maintenance & IT Departments, and all of the Kurn Hattin children & staff
If you are a Westminster, Vermont area veteran and would like to attend next year’s program, please contact Heather at (802) 721-6916 or hlonge@kurnhattin.org