Kurn Hattin Homes for Children held its 28th Annual Conference on Friday October 25th. Every autumn, Kurn Hattin hosts an educational conference offering opportunities for training and skills development for educators, child care professionals, and community partners from the eastern region. This year featured world-renowned author and speaker Edward (Ned) Hallowell, M.D., who spoke on the topic will be, “How to Find the Right Difficult. How to Make ADHD Work For You Not Against You.”
Dr. Hallowell is a leading authority in the field of ADHD, having taught at Harvard Medical School for over 20 years, and is the founder of the Hallowell Centers for Cognitive and Emotional Health located across the country.
Dr. Hallowell’s workshop introduced the concept of VAST – Variable Attention Stimulus Trait. VAST is his new name for an expanded version of ADHD, for people who may not fit the exact diagnostic criteria for ADHD but can still benefit from an understanding of what it is and from the various means of dealing with it using methodologies that he’s developed over the past several decades.
Nancy Pleiter-Sadowy from Pittsfield MA Public Schools said of the Dr. Hallowell’s workshop, “He makes me think and get creative with situations I’ve dealt with.”
Assistant Executive Director, Sue Kessler stated, “The feedback about Dr. Hallowell has been wonderful. Way beyond that, though, is the heartwarming feedback from attendees about the overwhelming sense of care, nurture, and love that they experienced by interacting with KHH staff and students.”
Kurn Hattin Annual Conference speaker Dr. Ned Hallowell, M.D.