Every year the VTPBIS State Team acknowledges PBIS schools for their achievements. PBiS (Positive Behavioral interventions and Support) is a nationally recognized method of addressing behavior, conduct, and problem solving, where students, faculty, and staff work together to promote a positive, predictable, and a safe environment for everyone in all school settings.
Kurn Hattin is entering its 3rd year as a formally recognized PBiS School, and is proud to be recognized this year as a VTPBIS School of Merit. To receive a VTPBiS School of Merit Ribbon, schools must show evidence of: implementing Universal PBIS by at least 80% of staff (95% at Kurn Hattin), use behavior data within a problem-solving framework to improve student outcomes, and complete an annual Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) to help plan/revise implementation.
The highest achievement is a VTPBIS Exemplar School, which requires a sustained level of PBiS merit criteria. “We should easily qualify for Exemplar School status next year. Great work everyone!!” said Sergio Simunovic, School Principal.