Thirteen staff members were the recipients of awards at the Kurn Hattin Homes for Children All Staff Meeting on August 19th during Training Week. Eleven were recognized for the longevity of their service. 25 years: Susan Kessler, Assistant Executive Director; 20 years: Thomas Fontaine, Science Teacher; 15 years: Suzanne Peltier, Houseparent, and Heather Longe, Development Office Manager; 10 years: Rory Longe, School Custodian; 5 years: Keri Newton, former Dean of Students, John Reed, Assistant to Residential Life, and Houseparents: Robert Siegel, Meranda Chandler, Wendy Burke, and Daniel Barile. Two staff members received “Above and Beyond Awards” for stepping up to take on responsibilities outside of their normal role: Carol Bazin, Co-Assistant Director of Residential Life, and Clint Plante, Co-Assistant Director of Residential Life.
Through these awards, Kurn Hattin Homes for Children expresses sincere appreciation for loyalty, diligence, and dedicated service during these staff members’ tenure. We could not offer a safe home and quality education in a nurturing environment without our exemplary staff!