NHCF Invests in Kurn Hattin Youth
New England Kurn Hattin Homes recently received an $8,000 grant award from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Ira S. and Gertrude S. Hubbard Memorial Fund.
Since 1894, New England Kurn Hattin Homes has provided a year-round, charitable, home and school for at-risk boys and girls, ages 5-15, from through the northeast. The NHCF Ira S. and Gertrude S. Hubbard Memorial Fund supports Kurn Hattin Homes’ initiatives to empower and invest in youth as future agents of change. Steve Harrison, Kurn Hattin’s Executive Director reflects, “Partnerships of this sort, and especially with the Ira S. and Gertrude S. Hubbard Memorial Fund, are essential for us to continue our work with children―to provide up-to-date curriculum materials, opportunities for technology integration, recreational programs, and more. We could not function without this type of on-going and generous support, and we are extremely grateful for the Hubbard Memorial Fund.”
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation was created in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire, and is dedicated to strengthening communities across the Granite State. The Foundation manages a growing collection of 1,700 philanthropic funds created by generous families, individuals and businesses, and awards more than $30 million in grants and scholarships every year. The Foundation invests charitable assets for today and tomorrow; works with generous and visionary citizens to maximize the power of their giving; supports critical work happening in New Hampshire communities and leads and collaborates on high-impact initiatives. www.nhcf.org.