Eating ‘smores by a wood fire, stream-stomping, sitting under a tree and reading a “really cool” (i.e. engrossing) book, playing capture-the-flag in the woods or a pick-up game of soccer, basketball, or ultimate frisbee – these activities and more are what children who stay on campus on the weekends can enjoy. Children are encouraged to remain on campus on the weekends to have fun together and relish all that Kurn Hattin and the surrounding areas have to offer. Participating in fun-filled activities designed to shed the responsibilities and pressures of each week allows for needed down-time while maintaining some of the structure of the Homes that helps children stay self-regulated. Structured and unstructured time on the weekends often allows for closer bonding experiences between children and also with their supervising adults. Activities such as playing outdoors, hikes and picnics, reading, gym time, watching movies, playing video games, excursions to local festivals and events, attending worship, and much more provide for fun and memories for a lifetime.