Twenty-Four Students Make Honor Roll at Kurn Hattin
WESTMINSTER, VT – Kurn Hattin Homes for Children is proud to announce that twenty-four students have made the Honor Roll at the school’s second quarter. Students are on Honors if they have earned all As and Bs in their academic courses. High Honors is achieved by having earned all As. The Honorees receive a signed certificate by the principal. Congratulations to the following students:
High Honors:
Trinity Chambers- 5th Grade
Susanna Compare- 8th Grade
Chrystal Longe- 8th Grade
Honor Roll:
Donnia Blagrove- 1st Grade
Hailey Bliven- 7th Grade
Lillianna Butler- 3rd Grade
Steven Callison- 5th Grade
Dre-Shawn Cherbonneau- 2nd Grade
Kaylee Cherbonneau – 8th Grade
Austen Echavarria- 7th Grade
Jessica Gibson- 6th Grade
Jeremy Ireland- 5th Grade
Gamael Jean-Francois- 8th Grade
Hayley LaBrecque- 7th Grade
Justin Lowell- 7th Grade
Ciara McQueen- 1st Grade
Jaime Minor- 7th Grade
Rebekah Rounds- 7th Grade
Matthew Smith- 4th Grade
Zachary Smith- 7th Grade
David Spencer Jr. – 7th Grade
Emebet Stott- 7th Grade
Reginald Watson- 7th Grade
Zachary Yaros- 5th Grade